Halloween Horror Nights Wiki
Halloween Horror Nights Wiki
Halloween Horror Nights Orlando attraction
Seek and Destroy
Attraction type Scarezone
Event Halloween Horror Nights 30
Park Universal Studios Florida
Area New York
Year 2021
Housed in New York
Based on Original

Seek & Destroy was one of five scarezones that were featured during Halloween Horror Nights 30. It was located in New York (Orlando).

History and Location[]

For their Halloween Horror Nights 30 anniversary year in 2021, Universal decided to feature a scarezone set in a dystopian New York City in which an alien cyber regime brought by The Controller tracks down humans to turn them into fuel. On August 12th, 2021, Universal announced that Seek and Destroy would be one of the five scarezones featured at the event that year.

The scarezone would be located in the large New York area of the park, which is a recreation of the city of New York.


A ruthless alien cyber regime led by The Controller has taken over New York, turning humans into fuel. Succumb or be destroyed.

Guests will find themselves in a New York dystopia where a ruthless alien cyber regime, led by The Controller, has taken over – relentlessly scanning the city streets for humans and turning them into fuel. With the regime’s loyal followers hiding in the darkness endlessly hunting for new victims, guests must either join them or be destroyed.

Production Die-Ries[]

Operation: New York

In a not-too-distant future, the city's "Controller" and his underlings from an alien cyber regime have taken over NY, leaving it awash in spotlights roaming the city streets. They search out for the humans that have yet to free themselves of their fleshy trappings.

Those little town blues are washing away...with the blood of recent victims. If you can make it out of here, you can make it out of anywhere.


New York has been invaded by a cyber alien regime led by The Controller, Aliens are beamed in to track down human survivors on the ground in order to turn them into fuel. Humans have the option of loyally following The Controller or become harvested as cyber-fuel for the alien regime.







  • This Zone seems to be very heavily inspired by George Orwell's 1984, Soylent Green, and THX 1138.
  • This zone is very different in that is mostly made up of searching spotlights and flecks of red. This plays into the storyline that humans are being scanned and watched at all times.
  • Normally the performers in the scarezones don't wear many masks, but in this zone every performer wore a mask which played into the storyline that the Controller demands conformity.
  • This marks the first time that HHN created a digital interactive character for a scarezone.
  • The first weekend of HHN, the Controllers Minions up on the stage did not have the same masks as the rest of actors in the zone.
  • At the beginning of the run, the zone did not feature Human Survivors.
  • There was a miscalculation with zone of the year, people announcing that Seek had won the award. However it was given to Lights Camera Hacktion: Eddie's Revenge a few hours later.
  • Once submitting to the Controller, guests would show a salute with their right fist going to their left chest. When saluting the Controller's minions, they would salute back and refrain from scanning/jump scaring you.
  • Fans jokingly called this the Among Us scare zone.
Halloween Horror Nights 30
Characters: Jack the Clown (Event Icon)  • Beetlejuice  • Bent-Neck Lady  • The Bride of Frankenstein  • Leatherface  • The Caretaker  • The Director  • The Storyteller  • The Usher  • Lady Luck  • Chance  • Fear  • Tooth Fairies  • Pumpkin Lord  • Boris Shuster  • Eddie Schmidt  • Terra Queen  • The Controller
Haunted Houses: Beetlejuice • The Haunting of Hill House  • Universal Monsters: The Bride of Frankenstein Lives  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre  • HHN Icons: Captured  • Welcome to SCarey: Horror in the Heartland  • Case Files Unearthed: Legendary Truth  • Puppet Theatre: Captive Audience  • The Wicked Growth: Realm of the Pumpkin  • Revenge of the Tooth Fairy
Scarezones: 30 Years 30 Fears  • Seek and Destroy  • Crypt TV  • Gorewood Forest  • Lights Camera Hacktion: Eddie's Revenge
Shows: Halloween Nightmare Fuel  • Marathon of Mayhem: Carnage Factory
Other Experiences: Jack'd Up Experience  • Halloween Horror Nights Tribute Store  • Chucky's Good Guys Toy Box Photo Op