This section is for listing all of the Halloween Horror Nights commercials. Some of the commercials listed below were directed by Dean Karr.
Halloween Horror Nights VIII: Primal Scream[]
Pepsi commercial Primal Scream.
A lady comes home during a thunderstorm when she goes in her kitchen and her lights have been cut out and then a screaming face appears and she screams, dropping her pepsi as the face drinks the pepsi then she screams and looks at the pepsi then she screams again.
Halloween Horror Nights X[]
Halloween Horror Nights X (2000) Commercial
Two teenagers discover a photo booth during Halloween Horror Nights. They take a picture, and Jack's theme, Pop Goes the Weasel, begins to play. As it dies down, the camera cuts to the outside of the booth, and flashes and screaming are both seen and heard. The photos develop, and we see Jack the Clown terrorizing the two.
Halloween Horror Nights XI[]
A group of teenagers walk through the park, searching for Jack. Unbeknownst to them, his brother, Eddie is seeing them through the unglazed portions (spelling ICU) of a glass window. He crashes out of the window at them, wearing a cloth mask that looks like Jack's face. He peruses one of the teens and the scene cuts to his silhouetted face as he sarcastically quips his brother's slogan, "I'm back!"
Halloween Horror Nights: Islands of Fear[]
Halloween Horror Nights XII Commercial (Meet The Caretaker)
The Caretaker is seen washing his hands and trying to pick a tool to kill his victims strapped to a table. "Eeny, meenie, miney, moe. Catch a body by the toe. If he hollers, cut him low. Eenie, meenie, mine..." He stops, and picks his weapon: The oversized scissors. "Moe."
Another commercial shows the Caretaker spying on a teenage couple walking down an alley. Suddenly, the girl hears a noise. The boy looks behind her to see the Caretaker wielding his scissors.
Another commercial has the Caretaker play This Little Piggy with four bodies, saying, "This little piggy went to market, this little piggy should have stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef and this little piggy was all alone." The commercial ends with the him covering one of the bodies with a sheet.
All took place in Shady Oaks Cemetery
First commercial Dean Karr ever made for HHN.
Behind The Scenes Pictures[]
Halloween Horror Nights 13[]
A series of little excerpts with an interview with the Director interspersed with clips from the other two ads.
Halloween Horror Nights XIII Extended Electrocution Commercial (Color)
The second version features The Director playing the song, You Ought to Be in Pictures on a record player while setting up a scene where a robed man is bound to a bathtub, and it then cuts to The Director pulling a switch which electrocutes his victim.
Halloween Horror Nights XIII Extended Jester Commercial (Color)
The third version features The Director playing the song, You Ought to Be in Pictures on a record player while torturing a man dressed up as a jester by stretching his mouth into a smile with hooks. Near the end, a bloodied jingle bell is seen falling to the ground.
Halloween Horror Nights XIV[]
Halloween Horror Nights XIV Commercial
A man runs out of a white room with medical equipment. The door on the other side of the room opens, revealing the same man. He runs out the door he came in, and comes back in the same room. Suddenly, the walls begin to bleed and close in on him and he screams in insanity.
Halloween Horror Nights: Tales of Terror[]
The Storyteller is seen finishing telling in the North Hollow Household a story to a frightened man, who is wrapped up in a blanket. "Oh, dear, what's wrong? You look a little bored!" (In an alternate version, she says, "Remember the moral of the story, dear: one man's treasure, is another man's PAIN!") She removes the blanket, and reveals he is on a bed of spikes and above him is an anvil. "Sleep well!" she exclaims, laughing. She then grabs a pair of scissors, cuts the rope holding up the anvil and it drops on him.
This was the only 02-09 era ad Dean Karr did not direct (It was directed by someone named Amanda Evans).
Halloween Horror Nights: Sweet 16[]
Halloween Horror Nights XVI Commercial (Extended Version)
The Happy Birthday song begins to play as footsteps are heard. The 4 icons walk to a coffin, carrying The Cake. A man struggles to break free, but to no avail. The Caretaker then brings out a meat cleaver, and cuts the cake along with the man.
Halloween Horror Nights: Carnival of Carnage[]
Halloween Horror Nights XVII Commercial (Uncut)
A man enters a fortunetelling booth at a carnival, then he is dealt 3 cards which feature Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and Leatherface. When the man asks what his future is, the fortuneteller is revealed to be Jack the Clown who tells him, "You don't have one!" Then he laughs maniacally as Jason, Freddy, and Leatherface kill the man.
- In the uncut version of this commercial, a bit of blood (presumably from the victim) is splattered onto the camera when he is attacked by Leatherface.
Halloween Horror Nights: Reflections of Fear[]
In her own world, Bloody Mary is in her office, surrounded by motifs of her previous victims. She prepares to make her appearance as she sloppily puts red lipstick on, brushes her messy hair and trims her fingernails, making them sharp. Suddenly she tenses as she hears a man saying, "Bloody Mary." She wipes the dust off her mirror to see the man as he says, "Bloody Mary." Then we see him in the bathroom, saying "Bloody Mary." At that point, Bloody Mary bursts out of the mirror and screams.
Commercial edit with the tagline “Bloody Mary Comes Alive”
Halloween Horror Nights: Ripped from the Silver Screen[]
Halloween Horror Nights XIX Commercial
We are first shown a movie screen playing the Let's All Go to the Lobby cartoon. It's break time at a movie theater, and a teenage boy leaves his date to go get some treats. Hiding behind the ticket booth, the Wolfman growls and licks his lips. Hiding in the broken popcorn machine is Chucky who smiles and looks at the boy. Then, Jigsaw's puppet, Billy rides his tricycle behind the food counter and stares at the man. The man walks into the now messy lobby as Billy rides up to him and says, "Let the game begin." Then the Wolfman prepares to pounce on the man. The man backs into the popcorn machine, and is attacked by Chucky. Billy's face then appears on the movie screen and exclaims, "Game over!"
According to this
“I tracked down the original Chuckie puppeteer, Peter Chevako, and convinced him to retro fit a Chuckie replica doll purchased online with original Chuckie eyes and add animatronic capabilities for our production. Peter became one of the puppeteers for our production. Also cooordinated with the production company that had the only Billy (aka "Jigsaw") puppet in existence to borrow for our production. They also loaned us an original Wolfman mask but Universal preferred to use a clip from the upcoming movie instead. Did I mention I hate Halloween and was on edge the entire production?”
Halloween Horror Nights: Twenty Years of Fear[]
A security guard is doing his rounds at Universal's Horror Nights prop warehouse. He stumbles across the Lantern, which bursts into flame as Fear is released. Then Fear attacks the guard who screams in fright. The flashlight drops.
Halloween Horror Nights 21[]
HHN 21 - Commercial For Halloween Horror Nights 21
The main commercial features a man tied to a roulette wheel while Lady Luck says "Red you win. Black, You lose", all the while Frank Sinatra's cover of "Luck be a Lady" from Guys and Dolls is playing in the background. Then she spins the wheel until it reaches black, and then it shows some quick clips of Lady Luck revealing her true form.
Halloween Horror Nights 22[]
Halloween Horror Nights 22 at Universal Orlando - TV Commercial
A group of teenagers walk down an alley, when they hear screaming sounds from the other end. Their male friend shouts at them to run, as a horde of zombies chase after him. The teenagers run towards Universal Studios and lock the gates, keeping the zombies outside. Suddenly, they hear a noise behind them and they turn to see a group of monsters and humanoid creatures carrying a variety of ghoulish weapons. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, or in this case, a horde of zombies and a gang of monsters, the teenagers scream in horror as the monsters advance toward them.
Halloween Horror Nights 23[]
A group of people are seen standing in a woods. They all turn around to see a horde of horrific creatures running towards them (the only ones shown in detail are a man holding a cleaver and a Walker from The Walking Dead). The group then scramble to the ground, and the horde is shown completely ignoring them except the Walker who turns around but keeps running. The group then get back up, but one of the women in the group gets lunged at by some unseen force.
Halloween Horror Nights 24[]
HHN 24 - Commercial for Halloween Horror Nights 24
A group of friends are sitting down waiting for their flight to be called laughing and conversing, a lady announces that the flight from Atlanta has just arrived to Orlando and loud bangs begin to be heard from the arrival door, finally the door gives way and walkers begin to enter the airport attacking everyone insight, a girl falls to the ground and walkers begin to walk lunge towards her as she begins to scream.
Halloween Horror Nights 25[]
Drops of water hit a puddle as a Chance begins to make her way to two seem to be kidnapped people, a man and woman tied up, they begin to look around, disoriented and confused where they are, Chance strolls around and slides into their vision smiling. The man and woman are scared, Chance grins and backs up, when they see hand pulling down a needle on a vinyl, and then a glimpse of Jack's smile as he begins laughing, a darkly sounding "Pop Goes The Weasel is playing", Chance begins to turn a handle and we begin to see that two hostages are on a homemade spinner wheel with the floor painted as a target and an arrow sticking out of its side. Chance begins spin faster as Jack is heard laughing, we see a glimpse of Jason Voorhees in his cage breathing heavy, the man and woman begin to be terrified at the sight of him, they are quickly turned to a wider a cage in the far distance of Walkers trying to break out and reach out for them. The wheel spinning faster and now their vision is turned to Freddy Krueger branding his claws smiling and beckoning to them. Jason violently bashes against the cage with a grunt, the walkers violently shrieking, Freddy scratching at the cage and reaching out, then Jack stops of the vinyl at the same time Chance stops spinning the wheel as we notice that the couple have been stopped in front of The Walkers sight. They begin to start crying and sobbing as Jack starts laughing menacingly "Looks like I win, Again!" He pulls down a lever which frees the walkers as they begin to make their rest to the helpless victims, Jack thinks and says "Why not!" as he pulls the lever down for Freddy and Jason letting em free as he watches the carnage before him unfold.
Halloween Horror Nights 26[]
A man is screaming as the camera pulls backward as his screams begin to muffle and begin to be drowned out by operatic music, Twisty from American Horror Story's Freak Show appears in front of the screen and seen running towards the direction where the man is stand swinging a bowling pin, he is soon followed by Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre looking at the camera with chainsaw in hand running in the same direction, the camera continues to pull back as we are revealed to couple of Walkers groaning in front of a cage like area, then once more the camera pulls back to Reagan from The Exorcist levitating from her bed looking at the direction of the camera, the camera quickly returns revealing Chance in front of a asylum wall background screaming as the music begins to turn static.
Halloween Horror Nights 27[]
The commercial begins with a fire breather as the camera closes in a mansion where a group of friends gather toward and bump into a stilt walker as they make their way to the entrance. A group of creepy guests including Papa Legba from American Horror Story's Coven are seen enjoying the festivities. The group are seen walking in, seeing some entertainment happening around the mansion, swinging dancer, a magician in another room performing a split magic trick which looks to have left the person fatal, fire eaters, the group are amazed at all these sights, a man being left marks and blood-led by vampire girls and a Day of the Dead woman can be seen walking past them beckoning to them to follow her upstairs as they follow and some of the guests downstairs look up at them menacingly, the group walks past a type writer with a stack of paper which is a reference to The Shining, they stop as they look at the woman a head of them in the hall as she snaps and transforms into The Grady Twins, group scared of what just happening try to walk past the sisters as they look at them, one of the guys looks at the door they past with "REDRUM" written on it, thinking about going in only to see an axe smash through the door and runs away to the others. The group find themselves in another part of the house as they open gates to what seems to be a game from the SAW franchise, a latest victim seen wearing the reverse beartrap looks over to them scared and shaking and looks back to see Billy the Puppet appearing into frame to her and the group of friends as his eyes glow red and begins his signature laugh, the girl with beartrap begins to scream as the group runs away to another area and find a door that one of the girls opens, they look inside concerned as they see Piggy Man from American Horror Story's Roanoke stabbing a latest victim in a bathtub, one of the guys pushes shoves her in a little which breaks Pig Man's attention as he looks at her and the others heavy breathing and runs towards the girl as the others begin to run away, Piggy Man quickly grabs her and slams the door. The girl wakes up to what she realizes was only a nightmare, she gets up and goes to her closet mirror to close it as Pig Man appears in her mirror, she turns in horror and her scream echoes.
Halloween Horror Nights 28[]
The commercial starts with a girl name Sophia inside a dark place which is realized to be the Void from Stranger Things, She walks forwards till a flashing blue light flickers behind her and Carol Anne echoing "Mommy!" is heard, she turns to see a TV across from her flickering static referencing Poltergeist, she walks towards to it and kneels to look at the screen, Carol Anne is heard again "I can't hear you mommy! where are you!", Sofia puts her hands on the screen only to quickly pull away scared a demon hand out reaches out of the screen towards her, she quickly moves back and turn only to see a line of curtains in front of her, she turns back to see another line of curtains, the curtains are quickly torn down as Michael Myers is revealed holding his signature butcher knife, she quickly moves back with her hands to her mouth trying not to scream, Michael Myers appears behind her in the darkness, she bumps into him and turns to see him, she quickly runs away from slips and falls to the watery flooring splashed, Sophia sits quietly trying to catch her breath when something appears behind her beginning to get up, it is the Demogorgon from Stranger Things groaning, she turns and begins to stammer as the Demogorgon screeches at her revealing its mouth, she is heard screaming as a group of friends are seen running towards The Upside Down version of the Universal Studios Archway as one of em calls out to her as they hear her screaming. The commercial ends with Sophia awaking in the Upside Down tangled.
Halloween Horror Nights 29[]
The Commercial opens like a beginning of a movie trailer, a girl can be seen across a hallway fixing her looks in a bathroom mirror. A song called "Lets Get Twisted" which a mock song version of "Everybody Want Some" from Van Halen is heard, the next scene is a shot from outside a window looking on another girl making popcorn in a kitchen, two guys are seen heading towards the front door talking about Wolfman defeating Frankenstein's Monster in a fight. Red hair girl calls for her friend to answer the door for her, she finishes fixing her hair in the bathroom and goes to answer the door, as the guys enter the house, one of them hears a noise behind him, he looks but sees nothing and enters inside while The Wolf Man is heard growling from afar. The two guys begin to continue conversation about Wolfman and Frankensteins Monster while the red-hair is annoyed about them still on the conversation and she brings them popcorn. One of the guys hears a text and answers it as they begin to watch Stranger Things on the tv in front them. As they are watching, the door behind them swings forward and back to reveal they've disappeared and have been entered into The Upside Down, they realize the room around them is full of spores and tangles as the Stranger Things opening can be heard, one of the guys goes to the window and sees the Mindflayer in the sky as the lightning strikes and a Demodogs' fail attempt at jumping through the window scaring the man back, he fall backs on the couch as his friend is looking nervously to his left to see a demodog walking towards them, they begin to scream as the Demodog roars at them. Meanwhile, we go back to the house with two remaining girls, one of them is back in the bathroom fixing her looks, a bunny rabbit can be see hopping away referencing Jordan Peeles' Us, the girl begins to whistle Its Bitsy Spider, she turns her left out the window and sees Doppleganger versions of her friends staring at her, she then hears the whistling of the song by someone else behind her as she looks in the hallway to see a golden scissors and a doppelgänger version of herself running towards her as she begins to scream. The red hair girl finished making another batch of popcorn in the kitchen and grabbing another snack until the lights flicker off, she gets bummed out and begins to get concerned when lightning strikes and she begin to call out to the others but no response, she looks out the kitchen door hoping one of her friends heard her, behind as lightning struck, Dracula is seen looking at her, and appears behind her and pulls back into the dark kitchen as she begins to scream. The ending of the commercial is with one more friend ringing the doorbell asking to be let in while The Wolfman runs towards him causing him to screen and leave his fate unknown.
Two more ads only on social media for the event featured Slimer and another Dracula to promote both Ghostbusters (Orlando) and Universal Monsters at the event.
Halloween Horror Nights 30[]
Halloween Horror Nights 2021 - “Trapped” Full-Length Video
Halloween Horror Nights 30 Commercial
The commercial begins a security room revealing televisions with many different people trapped in cells screaming to be let out and taken away to be another person trapped. A maniacal laugh can be heard grabbing a set of keys and revealed to be Jack the Clown taking a tour through the halls to see each victim that have been locked up. A woman screams to be let out her begging falling on deaf ears, she turns to see her hands that were touching the bars have blood on them as her vision begins to blur and screams in terror. Jack continues down the hall walking past another room that another woman is seen in sitting strapped in a wheel chair and covered in spiders crawling up and down her, she wants to cry and scream but her mouth opens to reveal another spider crawling out. Another room reveals a man with his eyes forced opened and strapped in tight in front of a tv that shows many different images with words like "Never Go Alone" appearing among it, he's begging to be turned off while as rat is seen below him tugging at his shoelace giving up as it runs into a crack in the wall to the next room where another a man is seen hanging bloodied and in pain begging to be let go then a chainsaw noise can be heard buzzing louder. A Woman in another room is dealing seen sleep paralysis as she looks up frightened clutching and trying to move as above her The Bent-Neck Lady from The Haunting of Hill House, she manages to breath and scream, Jack is then seen opening a door of a man huddled in a corner carving into the wall next to him "Never Go Alone" as Jack grins evil, Jack continues to walk down the hall of rooms as he looks up and notices popcorn falling down a vent above, he begins to laugh while hearing the screams of the prisoned people behind him. The camera pans up above ground revealing Sting Alley where a few friends are scared by a scare actor causing one of the friends to drop her popcorn on the ground. The commercial ends with Jack laughing maniacally and enjoying the security camera footages of the prisoned victims he's collected.
Halloween Horror Nights 31[]
Halloween Horror Nights 2022 - Scream Squad Full-Length Video
A group of friends are walking through Sting Alley and start to plan where to go next before getting scared by a chainsaw actor, causing one of their friends to drop their pizza fries and spilling it on one of the girl's jacket upsetting her. Because of this the others leave him behind. The guy tries to clean up his mess when from behind he hears a growling only to turn around and be attacked and dragged away by The Wolfman (Character).
The girl is seen next now in a bathroom cleaning what was left off her jacket. She then takes a selfie, but she then checks the photo and sees an unknown man in a bandaged face and red suit behind her by the stalls. She then begins to panic when the man reveals himself to be The Weeknd. He and his followers make their way towards the girl and attack her.
The next victim is walking through a little zone where a few scareactors try to scare her and fail to do so. She doesn't react until she turns a corner and comes face to face with Michael Myers looking down at her as she begins to scream. He raises her knife as the scene then cuts to another girl entering a cornfield. She is uncertain where she is and eventually encounters with two Scarecrows. She begins to step back only for a third to grab her as they disappear.
The final victim is walking through a haunted house amazed with the setting around him while getting scared by a chainsaw pumpkin. He continues and sees and is impressed by what he thinks is a scareactor. It reveals itself as the Grim Reaper and beckons to him. It eventually stops him dead in his tracks as its eyes glow red and begin to suck the soul of the man. A few other guests walking through notice the man and run away screaming. The scene then cuts to black.
Halloween Horror Nights 32[]
Halloween Horror Nights 2023 - Scream Squad Full-Length Video Orlando
The commercial begins with a girl name Sofia who claims to survive Halloween Horror Nights alone only to be interrupted by her friend Drew comes into frame and says she is not. She turns her off as her and group of friends are walking down Delancy St. and stop by Madame Baisels' psychic shop where the group notice a symbol that seemed to be painted on the window of the front door. Drew tells the rest that he has seen the symbol before as Sofia agree seeing it as well. The door opens slowly for them as Drew talks his friends into entering the shop, upon entering the shop, they all look around and then come together when they see a table before circular row of candles and the same cryptic logo in the middle and then fade to black. Jordan comes to as she finds herself in a strange place, she is spooked and things its a trick as she realizes her friends aren't with, she begins to guttural screeching, she continues forward discovering further mold growing, she begins to cover her mouth only till her phone begins to go off, she struggles in fear trying to turn her off but its too late as the guttural sounds begin to come closer, she turns in fear and tries to cover her mouth as she then realizes that she is being hunter by Clickers from The Last of Us, she turns to her left as one lunges at her. The next victim Drew wakes to as he finds himself bound to a chair in a summoning circle, scared and confused he tries to call for help only to be spooked by Angela, he continues to struggle screaming into the air as he begins to fade into himself and Katherine from The Exorcist Believer. The scene that follows is a light flickering as Ava finds herself walking down a high school hall and notices a figure ahead and calls out to it believing its her friend Sofia, the figure stands still as she continues to walk towards meanwhile Sofia in Vecna's Lair confused calls out for Ava to no avail, Ava walks towards Sofia's possessed body and turns her around to notice trying to wake her friend up, meanwhile Sofia continuing in the lair finds herself face to face with Vecna who tells not to be afraid he places his hand on her face and pursues to kill her as Ava in the other world witnesses Sofia floating up in the air and broken apart as the scenes cuts to black and then cuts to the front of the shop as the door that had opened to them slowly closes as the commercial ends.
Production credits[]
- 2001- Ross Cibela was the director, Steve Montrowl was the producer,
- 2005- Amanda Evans was the Director, Jonathon Ker executive produced for Tight, with freelancer Bridget Blake-Wilson serving as line producer. The DP was Ross Richardson. The dng team consisted of creative directors David Angelo and Liz Gumbinner, copywriter Melissa Pipeling, art director Anne Bioty and producer Erin Sullivan.
Editor was freelancer Alycia Daniels, who worked through Union Editorial's facility in Santa Monica. Online editors were Todd Iorio and Seth Silberfein of Union Editorial. Colorist was Mike Pethel of Company 3, Santa Monica. Audio mixer was Matt Lewkowicz of Union Editorial. Visual effects were done by Sway, Los Angeles, and Union Editorial. Sound designers were Jon Klok of Agent Jackson, New York, and Union's Lewkowicz. Music composer was Michael Fitzpatrick of Agent Jackson. Principal actors were Shannon Wells and Donovan McGrath. - 2002-2003; 2006-2009- Dean Karr was the director of all of these commercials.
- 2008- Chief Creative Officer was David Angelo, Creative and Art Directors were Ben Purcell and Laurenne Sala respectively, copywriter was: Mike Van Linda, Producers were Carrie Lighthall, the production company was Karma Kollective, director of photography was, Adam Santelli, executive producers were Yamani Watkins and Edgar Enriquez, Line producer was Arthur Gorson, “Spinach” served as the editing house, commercial was edited by Adam Bright, Producer: Jonathan Carpio, Music House: Amber, Composer: Bill Kessler, Producer: Patrick Oliver, Audio Mix: Eleven, Mixer: Jeff Payne, VFX: Riot, Compositor/Inferno Artist: Andy Davis
- 2015- Agency was TM Advertising, Chris Bettin; Marc Mintle served as the creative directors, Hal Dantzler was the agency producer, RSA Films Inc. / Los Angeles, CA served as the production company, Director was Andreas Roth Director of photography was Roland Stuprich, executive producer was Marjie Abrahams, the line producer was Lynee Pateman, Production Company (location): Pioneer Productions Kft. / Budapest, Hungary, Producer: Eszter Répássy EDITORIAL Editorial Company: CharlieUniformTango / Dallas, TX, Editor: Jack Waldrip, Executive Producer: Mary Alice Butler
List of Resources[]
- - Dean Karr's post of his Production Book for The Caretaker commercials for HHN 12.
- - Dean Karr's Production stills for the HHN 18 commercial.