Halloween Horror Nights Wiki
Halloween Horror Nights Wiki
Halloween Horror Nights Orlando attraction
HHN Icons: Captured
Attraction type Haunted House
Event Halloween Horror Nights 30
Park Universal Studios Florida
Area Production Central
Year 2021
Housed in Soundstage 24
Based on Original
Preceded By ICONS: HHN (2015)

HHN Icons: Captured was one of the ten haunted houses that were featured during Halloween Horror Nights 30. This house brought together all of the past Halloween Horror Nights Icons into one epic haunted house and was located in Soundstage 24.

History and Location[]

For their 2020 Halloween Horror Nights event, Universal was planning to hold a haunted house featuring all of the past icons to celebrate the 30th Halloween Horror Nights year. After Halloween Horror Nights was cancelled that year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Universal postponed the opening of this haunted house until the following year.

On August 5th, 2021, Universal announced that HHN Icons: Captured would be coming to Halloween Horror Nights that year. The house would be relatively unchanged from its original plan in 2020. The Codename for this house was "Pantry", a reference to how pantries have a variety of different items stored away.

The house would be located in Soundstage 24. Soundstage 24 is one of the larger soundstage facilities designed to be used as filming locations for movies and television shows.


Prepare to meet some of the most terrifying characters from 30 years of Halloween Horror Nights. Together in one house for the first time ever, Jack the Clown, The Storyteller, The Caretaker and many more have joined forces – some newly risen to true Icon status – to form a monstrous Hell of Fame. Discover who reigns supreme as the most evil of them all – it’s different each time you visit.

Over the last 30 years Halloween Horror Nights has introduced a murderer’s row of original characters. Now they’ve joined forces – some newly risen to true Icon status – to form a monstrous Hell of Fame, taunting and terrifying you at every turn.

  • You’ll meet Jack the Clown, The Storyteller, The Caretaker and many more – all in one house for the first time ever.
  • As you search for escape you’ll encounter tormented victims as well as each Icon’s demonic super fans.
  • Who’s the most evil of them all? Depending when you visit a different Icon will reign supreme.

When last we left the icons, Chance was being incarcerated along with Jack the Clown who had escaped inside his box. The rest of the icons were still in Fear's lantern. Fear was purported to be the alpha dog or ruler of the Icons. He held the icons captive in his lantern. The truth of the story is that he is but a gatekeeper - a landlord of the lantern. The lantern is the portal to a larger realm. That realm is the hellish world that exists under Universal Orlando Resort.

The Icons are not friends, but willing allies in a shared purpose: the tormenting and gathering of souls. Each Icon possesses unique powers and special abilities. Inside the hell-scape of the underworld, each icon has taken up residence and fashioned their sections to reflect their own evil personalities.

- TM Night Description

Production Die-Ries[]

Return to your Nightmares

You've come to know and dread them; Jack the Clown, The Caretaker, The Director, Lady Luck, The Storyteller and The Usher...they're all here, together with Fear itself. Along your journey through this nightmare gathering you'll encounter other fan favorites that didn't quite rise to the level of "icon."

The HHN design team loved bringing their original character creations back for a 30th year anniversary celebration, reminiscing about their debuts in the past Halloween Horror Nights and as always, imaging future reincarnations and reunions. What does not make it into this year's event will usually find its way into a future haunt.


Queue and Facade[]

The queue entered to the left of the Halloween Horror Nights Tribute Store. The line would follow a road to the right of the Revenge of the Tooth Fairy line where it would take a right into a series of loops. After the loops guests continued down the road and take a left to go across the back wall of Soundstage 24. After a couple of more loops, guests entered the soundstage from the back.

Guests entered the soundstage and were greeted with a Lantern-like facade with the enlarged totems of each of the seven icons, Lady Luck, The Director, Chance, Jack the Clown, The Usher, The Storyteller, and The Caretaker, being placed around a door. Above the doorway, the word "Icons" can be seen spelled out with vines, as well as the Roman Numerals "XXX". Finally, on both sides of the doorway a video screen played showing clips of each of the icons and the fire of the Lantern. Guests would go through the doorway and enter the Lantern.

Haunted House[]

Inside the Lantern, guests would find themselves in a large fiery cavern-like area covered with burning vines. The Caretaker jumped out at guests from behind a fiery wall on the right. Continuing on, guests would be startled by Chance on the left brandishing a knife and laughing maniacally. Continuing past a body hanging upside-down wearing a shirt from Halloween Horror Nights: Twenty Years of Fear, guests would encounter Fear himself standing tall in front of guests. He would serve as a distraction, as Jack the Clown would jump out laughing at guests to the right.

Entering the next room, guests would find themselves in the realm of Lady Luck. Gambling chips, coins, and dollar bills are scattered everywhere, and a victim could be seen strapped to a large wheel. Lady Luck in her monster form would jump out to the right of the wheel, as one of her Spade Minions lunged from behind metal bars on guests' left. As guests continued through her realm, they would see a dead body lying a table with a spade-shaped pendulum slicing it in half. This would serve as a distraction as Lady Luck attacks from the right of guests. Before guests entered the next realm, a slot machine animation could be seen above the exit, spinning rapidly before landing on three film cameras.

Moving onto the next scene, guests found themselves in The Director's realm where his latest victim could be seen being electrocuted in a bathtub as the floor vibrates and the room begins to fill with fog. The Director himself would jump out at guests on the left, blinding them with the light on his camera. Guests move further past some curtains, a director's chair, and a corpse with a spike stabbed in its torso. The Director jumped out from behind one of the curtains. Entering into the final room of his realm, guests would look up and see a large screen above them playing clips of the Director's HHN 13 commercial. The Director jumps out at guests on the right with his camera. Finally, the corpse of The Usher could be seen on the left hanging from the ceiling. Guests would walk into the next scene by walking through the screen.

On the other side of the screen, guests would find themselves in the Universal Palace Theater where many dead victims of The Usher could be seen sitting in the theater seats. On the left, the Usher could be seen bashing his latest victim in the head with his flashlight and shushing guests as they moved forward into the next room. Guests would walk through a hallway of the theater, where various movie posters were hung up on the walls. On the left, The Usher would lunge at guests from behind one of the posters. Walking around to the other side of the wall, guests could see The Usher behind a concession stand. Guests would walk through red curtains and into the next realm.

Next, guests would find themselves in a hallway of The Caretaker's funeral home, which had stained glass windows and smoldering walls with loud organ music playing in the background. On the right, guests could see a coffin with banging and screaming noises emanating out of it. Through a stained glass window at the end of the hallway, guests could see the silhouette of The Caretaker walking with his shears. Continuing into the next room, guests found themselves in his operating room which was filled with corpses on beds with sheets over them. To the left, one of The Caretaker's Minions rushed at guests from behind a curtain holding a machete. As guests made their way around the room, The Caretaker himself could be seen at his operating table, ripping into the opened chest cavity of another victim with his bloodied shears, and guests were sprayed with “blood.” In the final room of The Caretaker's realm, The Caretaker would jump out at guests from between two occupied body bags.

Guests then enter into the next realm, that being of The Storyteller. There, guests would find themselves in an old living room and encounter an eyeless corpse sitting in a rocking chair next to a plate of cookies. Across from it, The Storyteller would lunge out at guests from behind a curtain, brandishing a pair of old scissors with an eyeball impaled upon them. Turning left into another room, guests would see the silhouette of The Storyteller reading her latest tale next to a staircase. She would then quickly close the book and transformed into a demonic form, flying away. Guests could also see a corpse laying on a bed of nails with an anvil dropped on it. Guests would continue on and be startled by a flashing wall with body parts shoved between wooden planks. The final room of the section featured the demonic form of The Storyteller standing on a ledge in front of the Terra Cruentus symbol and swiping at guests.

After that, guests would enter a room featuring a desk with a mirror over it. The mirror would ripple, and after a little bit guests would hear the scream of Bloody Mary as the mirror shattered to pieces. Guests would then find themselves in a winding hallway filled with hanging mirrors. Three of the mirrors would drop to reveal severed heads with glass shard stabbed into their faces behind them. Guests would then walk past a small asylum control room and hallway, entering the final realm. Before they entered, they could see Jack's open Jack-in-the-Box glowing green.

Guests found themselves entering Chance's Patient Room, eventually ending up in Jack's circus-esque realm, where the Ringmaster himself stood on a platform. This would serve as a distraction as Chance jumps out across from him in a padded cell. In the cell, a heart with the letters "C+J" was on the wall. At the end of the scene, one of Jack's Maniacs also jumps out holding a spiked baseball bat. Guests would then round the corner into the finale room.

The finale of the maze was Fear's throne room, where one of the seven Icons could be seen sitting a large throne on an elevated platform at the end of a long and rocky hall. Three other random Icons, two on the left (one behind a door, another behind a curtain) and one on an elevated platform to the right, would attack guests as they made their way to the throne. After taking a right turn at the feet of the winning icon, guests would exit the house.


  • "The Caretaker is here… and your time has come!" - The Caretaker
  • "JACK!" - Jack the Clown
  • "Action!" - The Director
  • "Film is a weapon." - The Director
  • "AND CUT!" - The Director
  • "Shhhh." - The Usher
  • "Good evening, moviegoers." - The Usher
  • "LET ME OUT. PLEASE!" - Coffin Victim
  • "This person… has no heart." - The Caretaker
  • "Ladies and Gentlemen, step right up… and see all of Jack's maniacs!" - Jack the Clown
  • "What the shit!?" - Chance
  • "It's time to die!" - Jack the Clown






  • During Halloween Horror Nights: Twenty Years of Fear, Fear wore totems that were represented all the other icons. Those totems were enlarged and placed into the facade along with two new totems of Lady Luck and Chance.
  • On the Facade there is a outline of 3 X's on the top right side which is a reference to this being the 30th Year of the event.
  • The Caretaker's Watch is visible at the facade entrance on the floor to the left to which he then he is the first scare for the house.
  • The victims of each icon wore t-shirts featuring the events of the icons that murdered them.
  • The roulette wheel in Lady Luck‘s room is the actual wheel used in her commercial during Halloween Horror Nights 21.
  • The Crows featured in Lady Luck's Commercial is in her room.
  • There is a chalkboard behind the wheel and bars that has a list of different ways to kill someone and die along with the tag line at the bottom from Halloween Horror Nights 21, "The House Always Wins!".
  • Lady Luck's Scenes are composed of props from Penn & Teller: New(kd) Vegas, Asylum in Wonderland 3D, and Lunatic's Playground 3D: You Won't Stand a Chance.
  • All of the Icons symbols are visible on the Slot Machine in the Lady Luck.
  • The shirt the Director victim wears is actually from Halloween Horror Nights 2006 (Hollywood).
  • The bathtub in the Director's Room is the actual bathtub used in his Commercial during Halloween Horror Nights 13.
  • The Director's Room reuses the vibrating floor effect used in Run.
  • In the Director's room, there was an old hot set prop used during past HHN events in street construction.
  • Clips of people walking through haunted houses play on the screen in the Universal Palace theater as if the Director is making movies of you walking through the house.
  • The Universal Palace Theater's seats are from An American Werewolf in London.
  • The Usher's artwork seen in ICONS: HHN as a banner was used as the t-shirts of his victims as he did not appear on any of the merch in 2009.
  • The Usher's theater hallways features posters from the Carey Drive-In seen in Slaughter Sinema. These included Amazon Cannibals From Planet Hell, The Cult of the Beast Baby, Midnight Snacks 2: The House Swarming, Sorority Sacrifice, and Attack of the Swamp Yeti.
  • On the poster for Sorority Sacrifice, the names of well-known creative directors appear at the bottom, such as T.J. Mannarino and Michael Aiello, as well as Jack the Clown's name and a reference to SIF (stuff in face).
  • On the poster for the The Cult of the Beast Baby, there are references to Carey, Ohio, David Hughes and The Caretaker.
  • The "Let's All Go to the Lobby" signs from Horrorwood Die-In appeared in the Usher's scene.
  • There is a bottle of Sleepwell from A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dreamwalkers in the medicine cabinet in the Caretaker's Room.
  • The toolbag from the original 2002 Caretaker commercial is in the Caretaker's scene.
  • All of the victims in the Caretaker's scene have toe tags that say different parts of Florida however they all say 2002 which was the Caretaker's Year.
  • The Caretaker's line ("This Person has no Heart") and the Director's line ("And Cut!") in their respective scenes are reused from The Arrival Show.
  • The bed and book used in the Storyteller's room is is the same one used in her commercial at Halloween Horror Nights: Tales of Terror.
  • The Terra Cruentus Symbol is visible behind the true form of the Storyteller.
  • The music box from the 2008 Commercial appears in Mary Agana's Section.
  • Before entering Chance's cell, multiple of the cells are referencing certain characters.
  • Eddie's chainsaw appears on the left before entering Chance's cell. Along with the Jack in the Box that Jack was trapped in.
  • In the Jack & Chance scene on the left of Jack is the Run sign from the Run franchise.
  • A clown-themed trashcan last seen in Carnival Graveyard: Rust in Pieces was also in the Jack scene.
  • A "Not Alive" sign from The Carnage Returns also appears in Jack's scene.
  • There is Jack & Chance puppets on the right before you exit their scene.
  • Chance and Jack's first appearances in the house costume wise are based on their looks from The Carnage Returns, Jack's 2nd appearance is the 2007 look and Chance's is the 2007 scare zone look, Chance's 3rd appearance is then based on her 26 Look.
  • The red lighting/color palette throughout the house is to cement the idea that although you are in each Icons Domain, you are still in the Lantern.
  • There are a few small transitions from each Icons Domain.
    • At the end of Lady Luck's there is a slot machine with 3 cameras on it leading to the Director's.
    • At the end of the Director's he is filming the Usher's death and the bathtub snuff film he just filmed is playing in the Universal Palace Theater for the Usher's section.
  • Above a doorway in the finale, there is the face of Jack the Clown chiseled into the stone.
  • In the final scene, the throne all of the Icons take turns sitting in is the exact replica of the throne from the Hades: The Gates of Ruin haunted house during Halloween Horror Nights: Twenty Years of Fear.
  • Each house in 2021 had a hidden butterfly, the one for this house was in the Storyteller's scene.
Halloween Horror Nights 30
Characters: Jack the Clown (Event Icon)  • Beetlejuice  • Bent-Neck Lady  • The Bride of Frankenstein  • Leatherface  • The Caretaker  • The Director  • The Storyteller  • The Usher  • Lady Luck  • Chance  • Fear  • Tooth Fairies  • Pumpkin Lord  • Boris Shuster  • Eddie Schmidt  • Terra Queen  • The Controller
Haunted Houses: Beetlejuice • The Haunting of Hill House  • Universal Monsters: The Bride of Frankenstein Lives  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre  • HHN Icons: Captured  • Welcome to SCarey: Horror in the Heartland  • Case Files Unearthed: Legendary Truth  • Puppet Theatre: Captive Audience  • The Wicked Growth: Realm of the Pumpkin  • Revenge of the Tooth Fairy
Scarezones: 30 Years 30 Fears  • Seek and Destroy  • Crypt TV  • Gorewood Forest  • Lights Camera Hacktion: Eddie's Revenge
Shows: Halloween Nightmare Fuel  • Marathon of Mayhem: Carnage Factory
Other Experiences: Jack'd Up Experience  • Halloween Horror Nights Tribute Store  • Chucky's Good Guys Toy Box Photo Op