Child's Play is an American horror slasher film series whose main character Chucky, a notorious serial killer who frequently escapes death by performing a voodoo ritual to transfer his soul into a "Good Guys" doll.
It was first used in the Dungeon of Terror haunted house during Fright Nights.
Usage at Halloween Horror Nights Orlando[]
- Dungeon of Terror (1991)
- Universal's House of Horror (1995) (Unconfirmed)
- Festival of the Dead Parade (1998)
- Universal's Creature Features in 3-D (1999)
- Boogeymen (2001)
- Nightmare Alley (2001)
- Chucky: Friends til the End (2009)
- HHN: 20 Years of Fear (2010)
- All Nite Die-in: Double Feature (2015)
- Revenge of Chucky (2018)
- HHN Media 28 (2018)
- Chucky's Good Guys Toy Box Photo Op (2021) & (2022)
- Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count (2023)
- Chucky's Twisted Playground (2023)
Usage at Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood[]
- Chucky's "In-Your-Face" Insults (1992)
- Chucky's Wedding Chapel (1998)
- Chucky's Insult Emporium (1999) (2000) (2006) (2007) (2008)
- Chucky's Funhouse (2009)
- Terror Tram: Live or Die (2009)
- Terror Tram: Chucky's Revenge (2010)
- The Curse of Chucky (2013)
- Titans of Terror Tram: Hosted by Chucky (2017)
- 80s Throwback Thursdays (2019)
- Chucky's Good Guys Toy Box Photo Op (2022)
- Chucky : Ultimate Kill Count (2023)